Friday, January 29, 2010

So this passed week I was out for on an invigorating run. As I was running and attempting to encourage myself to press on, I finally reached my goal and slowed down to a nice recovering walk. At the end of my run, I normally try to take some time and pray. As my heart rate slowed and my body fell back to its normal rate of function, I began to look around me and I saw trash that had been laying along my running route for weeks. Up until this point I had ignored it, and left it to lie as if some other more convicted well to do person would come a pick it up later. I shortly realized that that convinced person was now me! I was the one who needed to come and clean this mess up, to serve the creator by restoring this sidewalk back to the beauty it once held before it had been marred by the unsightliness of candy wrappers, shredded tires, McDonald's cups and pop cans. I felt called by the Lord, right then and there to serve Him In this way! Who are you, that you think it is below you to clean my world, to assist in the on going process of redemption that I have called you to? This is what I was told.
Some of you may say to yourself, "He was told by who, to do what"? Well, by my creator, God Almighty the creator of heaven earth, by the Spirit of God which resides within me. You may not understand what I am saying if you don't believe. Regardless of what I tell you I was told, I am here on this earth to be a conduit through which God can work to set forth his plan of redemption upon a fallen earth. Yes, picking up trash may be strange, but who will do it if not me, right? I was always told that being a man is doing what you know needs to be done. I know this needs to be done. This is just a microcosm of the full picture of redemption, but none the less it is part of it, and I must diligently seek to invest myself into any work, conversation and action that will lead to obedience with respect to redeeming a world in need of redemption!

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