Friday, January 29, 2010

The father hath life in himself, Says Tozer. How could this be. Oh, but it must be! If not there is no such thing as God. My savior was before all that there is. He was in himself perfect and whole. He is in himself satisfied without my human existence. His affections hinge not upon my life and actions. Without me he is complete and whole, thus with me he still has nothing added to his goodness and wholeness. With me he is no more perfect and awesome than without me. Yet this very God whom had no need of me, created me, and desired a relationship with me, how could that be possible; That the self existing God, out of his love sent his Son whom needed no one and nothing, Yet died for the one whom defiled his will and spat in his face? What love is this that the one whom needed nothing from humanity died for those who truly could offer him nothing in return. Nothing can we give God that would enhance his Godness, his Goodness, his completeness. What love is this?
I would die for my family! Yes! I love them and they have helped mold me into what I am today. I would die for my country because it delivers unto me freedom and protection. I would never die for the drug addict whom ravaged my house looking for money to buy his next hit. Never would I die for such a person who takes away my cense of security and confidence. I would die for those whom I owe honor and respect. Yet we were the drug addict, those dead in our filth! God owed nothing to us…to me! Not even did we live to perhaps “gain” somehow his need with respect, honor and love. We lived the very opposite of such. Void of striving after the affections of God forsook them and traded them for self-indulgence such says Romans1.
All I think in response is adoration of the Father whom in himself is complete and perfect! Honor, is what I feel, that I have been graciously inducted into service and worship of Him by his grace through faith in his Son. I am not void of striving after Gods affections, for the affection of my God reside greatly within me through the Spirit, through his word ( the story of his promise to all generations), that story was meant for me, for us, we are in that very story right now, the story of Gods people living with and for Him. We carry the story and must live it out in a broken world. We take the story to the lost, not just through proclamation of that written word, but through how we love the un-loveable, serve the un-servable, pray for the un-reachable, seek the un-seekable and redeem what “we” think is un-redeemable. There is nothing un-redeemable in the sight of our God!

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